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Electronic Devices

Possessing an electronic device is not a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. However, the possession of an electronic device that disrupts the educational process, the use of the electronic device during school hours, use of an electronic device to commit a crime, and the possession or use of an electronic device that disrupts or interferes with the safety-to-life issue for students being transported to and from school are infractions of the Code of Student Conduct. Use of any other electronic devices are not permitted during school hours. In addition, any visible items such as headphones, smart watches or electronic devices are subject to confiscation. No personal laptops or iPads will be allowed, ONLY SCHOOL ISSUED DEVICES.
The following rules must be followed regarding the possession, use and display of electronic devices:
  • Students may possess personal electronic devices, but they must ensure that devices are turned off and in their backpacks during the instructional day/while in the building.
  • Students shall avoid classroom disruptions, by not displaying, using, or activating electronic devices during the instructional day. This includes during class, during lunch breaks, during class changes and during any other structured activity.
  • Students shall not use electronic devices while being transported on a school bus.
  • The school is not responsible if a student’s electronic device is lost or stolen.
  • If an electronic device is confiscated, a parent or guardian may pick up the device at the end of the following school day.